Here are some items to check for your putting:
- Grip - the most widely used grip is called the reverse overlap. It is when your index finger on your upper hand overlaps on the lower hand. This grip can prevent your lower hand from "taking over" during the stroke.
- Ball Placement - ball should be positioned left-center for right-handed golfers and right-center for left-handed golfers. Also note in the picture below, that hands should be over the ball. If your hands are too far behind or in front of the ball to start, you will influence the loft of the putter head and the distance of your putt.
- Posture - bend from your pelvic to have your eyes slightly inside or directly over the ball and lightly flex the knees.
- Pre-shot Routine - on every putt, rehearse your pre-shot routine to help transfer it to the course. A good routine should consist of a practice stroke, alignment, and setting the club next to the ball before setting your feet to encourage proper posture and aim of the clubhead.
These reminders tend to be overlooked so before working on your stroke, make sure to check your basics.
Happy Practicing!