Is your lower body too active in your chips?
Do you sway or move your head?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, a narrow stance is for you. The next time you watch golf on TV or google "golf pros chipping", it will be quite obvious that there is a pattern when the pros chip. The ball and hand position may be different depending on the shot being played, but the one common denominator is the narrow stance.
Here are some benefits of chipping with a narrow stance:
- Narrow stance will help prevent extraneous lower body movement like swaying or sliding
- The reduction of movement also holds true for your head (it will be easier to keep your head still)
- The narrow stance is extremely necessary from a tight lie because shorter grass tends to require more precision
- The chip should have more upper body motion than lower body and the narrow stance limits the lower body
Next time you are at the chipping area, experiment with a narrow stance and watch your contact improve. Happy Chipping!